About Us

Meet the Secretariat!

Samantha Sheridan


Samantha Sheridan, a junior at Enumclaw High School, is thrilled to serve as one of CLAWMUN 2024’s Secretary-Generals and the director of the Conspiracy Crisis Committee! Starting her journey at KINGMUN,  she has since grown a passion for passing directives, writing draft resolutions, and immersing herself in all things MUN. Outside Model UN, Samantha can most often be found enjoying her passion in music, playing the violin, spending all of her money on concerts and albums, and taking a well-deserved nap. Samantha cannot wait to see CLAWMUN 2024 come to life and can’t wait to see you all! 

Towa Nakano-Harris


Towa is a senior at Enumclaw High School and is delighted to serve as one of CLAWMUN 2024’s Secretary-Generals! Through MUN, she has gained lots of knowledge, some amazing friends, and many unforgettable memories, like sponsoring and passing her first draft resolution at KINGMUN and sending Mikhail Gorbachev on a politically motivated research mission to space at EDUMUN. On non-conference days, Towa can most often be found scrambling to organize her club’s next MockMUN, getting new bruises playing volleyball, or mourning the death of a book character. Towa can’t wait to bring loads of her sleep-deprived-and-overly-enthusiastic-history-nerd passion to CLAWMUN, and is honored to be a part of making it a conference to remember. 

Jack Hoyne

Director General

Jack Hoyne is a Junior at Enumclaw High School and is overjoyed to serve as your Director-General and Director for HCC at CLAWMUN2024! Jack got into Model UN last year as the treasurer of EHS’s MUN, and this year he tried to take a step back from being the treasurer due to his sports taking up most of later in the year's free time. Although this year he discovered that doing MUN was something he loved. When he first joined, his reasoning was mostly to boost his resume. However, after going to his first conference, he discovered just how fun MUN could be. Outside of his time spent on Model UN, Jack is the Captain of his school’s Water Polo team and a defender on the Lacrosse Team. He hopes that all the new delegates will also find an amazing new club, with hundreds of real life applications to spend their time participating in.

Riley Jensen

USG of Media


Zoe Shineman

USG of Finance

As an 11th grader at Enumclaw high school, Zoe Shineman is thrilled to be your chair in the CCC at CLAWMUN 2024. She first got introduced to Model UN in Grade 10, and despite initially being hesitant to speak in front of large groups, she was able to grow to enjoy the fruitful and fast-paced debates that happen in committees. Apart from Model UN Zoe is very passionate about music and writing short stories, in her free time you will find her playing guitar or singing. Zoe is extremely eager to see what fascinating debate and negotiations that CCC entertains!

Clifford Cummings

USG of Delegate Affairs

Clifford is currently a senior at Enumclaw High School, where he serves as the MUN club secretary. Clifford decided to be a part of the club alongside many of his friends and despite the fact that many have decided to quit, he has stayed and taken a leadership position as well. Outside of this club however, Clifford is a member of the cross country team and the track team, keeping himself busy. He is glad to help staff the conference this year and excited to see everyone who attends.

Kiana Osotonu

USG of Delegate Affairs

Kiana is a Junior at Enumclaw High School and is excited to have the privilege of serving as Chair for the EU committee at CLAWMUN, conveying her enthusiasm for Model UN. Outside the realm of international affairs, Kiana is regularly capturing unnecessary pictures of her cat Ivy, endlessly rewatching 'My Neighbor Totoro', and screaming Frank Ocean's 'Pink Matter' at the top of her lungs. Having participated in multiple conferences, her first being KINGMUN, Kiana's captivation in the world of MUN feels more like a journey that started ages ago rather than a recently started one. Kiana sees CLAWMUN as a chance for people to harmonize diverse perspectives, uniting delegates from various backgrounds to collaboratively address global challenges. Kiana is overjoyed to see how delegates in her committee will represent their countries and is committed to ensuring the delegates in her committee have a fulfilling experience through CLAWMUN.